
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27



橙色表示生词。红色表示值得注意的地方如(僻意、搭配、地道好词,好句,以及中英表达差异)粉色表示词组和固定搭配。绿色:表示各种注释及解释(解释来源于牛津词典, 柯林斯等词典)蓝色表示背景知识类扩充和联想。紫色表示应记住的单词(注意正确拼写形式)




All of this could be a chance, some say, for bricks-and-mortar retailers to trim the advantage that data have long given online sellers. A race is on to work out how best to collect and use emotions data, be it to improve packaging, displays, music, or the content and timing of sales pitches, says Rana June, chief executive of a firm in New York called Lightwave. It measures shoppers’ emotions for retailers, for malls, and for consumer-goods firms such as PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble and Unilever.

.【复习】physical“实体的,物质的,有形的”(relating to real objects that you can touch, see, or feel),和网店 (online store) 相对应的“实体店”还可以用physical stores / shops / retailers等表达。“实体的”还可以等于bricks-and-mortar  (a bricks-and-mortar business is a traditional business that does not operate on the Internet) brick 本义指“砖头”(可数名词),mortar 指“灰浆”(不可数名词),由 bricks 和 mortar 筑成的就是建筑物。

. trim 我们常说的"去理发"就可以说成"trim your hair"。trim意为to make sth neater, smaller, better, etc., by cutting parts from it 修剪;修整。如”培训预算削减了1万英镑”可以说 (figurative)The training budget had been trimmed by £10 000.

have long done sth 一直以来,长期以来,比如People have long known that marriage is the tomb of love. 人们长期以来就知道婚姻是爱情的坟墓。注意long 在这里不再是形容词,而是副词,类似 for a long time,表示“长期地;长久地”比如 Have you been here long? 你来这里时间长吗?

be on if an event is on, it has been arranged and is happening or will happen正在(将要)发生的   The transport union has confirmed that the strike is definitely on.运输工会已证实肯定会举行罢工。 Is the party still on tonight or have they cancelled it? 今晚的派对照常举行,还是他们把它取消了?在影视行业,rs. ”详见关于水形物语在中国大热的原因


  • A race is on to work out how best to collect and use emotions data, be it to improve packaging, displays, music, or the content and timing of sales pitches, says Rana June, chief executive of a firm in New York called Lightwave.



A race is on(主系表) to work out how best to collect and use emotions data, ( 目的状语) be it to improve packaging, displays, music, or the content and timing of sales pitches,(让步状语从句) says Rana June, chief executive of a firm in New York called Lightwave. ( 同位语)


在Whether/ whether...or…引导的让步状语从句中,有时会和be型的虚拟语气连用。所谓be型虚拟语气形式,就是所有动词(包括am is are 在内)都用原形表示,无人称、时态和数的变化,也没有体的变化。

Whether 引导的这种虚拟语气形式有两种:一种是需要倒装;一种则不需要倒装。

1.自然语序形式在这种用法里,whether不省略,主、谓语不颠倒,用的是自然语序(Natural Order ). 谓语用动词原形表示,其第三人称单数现在时的主语和谓语之间没有通常的一致(--he come-).这种虚拟语气主要用在正式文体中,特别是用在美国英语中。
All countries, whether they be big or small, strong or weak, should be equal. 国无论大小、强弱,应一律平等。

2.倒装语序形式:在这种情况下,whether省略,主谓语颠倒,用的是倒装语序(Inverted Order)。例如:

All matter, be it (= whether it be) gaseous, liquid or solid, is made up of atoms. 一切物质,不管它是气体、液体,还是固体,都是由原子构成的。

  •  sale pitches n.[C]A salesperson's sales pitch is what they say in order to persuade someone to buy something from them. 推销商品用语;商品宣传语

  •  pitch 

  • [可数名词, 常用单数形式] talk or arguments used by a person trying to sell things or persuade people to do sth 推销的话;说教;宣传论点 an aggressive sales pitch强有力的推销行话

  • (British English) ( also field North Amercian English,British English) [可数名词] an area of ground specially prepared and marked for playing a sports game (体育比赛的)场地;球场  。我们通常说操场用playground,那么专用于体育比赛场地怎么说呢?可以用pitch来表示。足球 / 板球 / 橄榄球场可以说“a football/cricket/rugby pitch”

  • [单数, 不可数名词] the degree or strength of a feeling or activity; the highest point of sth (感情、活动等的)程度,力度;(事物的)最高点。

    Speculation has reached such a pitch that a decision will have to be made immediately.种种猜测甚嚣尘上,以至必须立即作出决定

  • make a pitch for sb/sth | make a pitch to sb  to make a determined effort to get sth or to persuade sb of sth 决心获得;决心劝服——more at queer the pitch for sb queer v.

Not everyone is impressed. Some find it all a little creepy. Nielsen, a consumer-research giant, deems using technology to work out shopper emotions en masse too “avant-garde” for now, says Ricardo Gutiérrez, head of shopper insights at Nielsen Colombia in Bogotá.

  • impressed [ɪm'prest] feeling admiration for sb / sth because you think they are particularly good, interesting, etc. (对…)钦佩,敬仰,有深刻的好印象 I must admit I am impressed. 我得承认我很佩服。  We were all impressed by her enthusiasm. 我们都被她的热情打动了。

  • find + sb./sth. + adj发现 / 觉得 / 认为某人(物)怎么样 其中形容词作find的宾语补足语。比如 I find the story very interesting. 我觉得这故事很有趣。另外,名词、V-ing形式、过去分词、等也可以作find的宾语补足语。例如We have found him a good assistant 我们已经发现他是一个好的助手 When I walked in the park, I found an old man lying on the ground. 我在公园散步的时候发现一个老人躺在地上。

  • creepy['kri:pi] adj. causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or slight horror 令人毛骨悚然的;令人不寒而栗的 =scary   a creepy ghost story 令人毛骨悚然的鬼故事   It's kind of creepy down in the cellar! 地窖里真令人有点不寒而栗!

  • deem [di:m] v. to have a particular opinion about sth 认为;视为;相信 The evening was deemed a great success. 大家认为这次晚会非常成功。 (deem可以用来替换consider和think)

  • en masse 表示“一起,全体(if people do something en masse, they do it together)   The management team resigned en masse.管理层全体辞职了。

  • avant-garde [ˌævɑ͂ːˈgɑːd] adj. avant-garde music, literature etc is extremely modern and often seems strange or slightly shocking先锋派的,前卫的 an avant-garde play先锋派话剧

But it is much cheaper than old-fashioned interviews. Nielsen charges roughly $10,000 to interview 25 shoppers about three products. Angus.ai’s service costs just €59 ($66) a month per camera. For $15,000 or so, iMotions, based in Copenhagen, gives retailers an EEG cap that detects brain activity, an eye-tracking headset that notes when an attractive object dilates pupils, and a galvanometer. iMotions’ 150 or so consumer-goods clients include Mondelez International, Nestlé and Unilever, which use them in mock-up stores and real ones.

  • muchfar都可以修饰形容词比较级,此外还可以用a bit, a little, rather, by far, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even

  • or soabout 大约  It'll cost €100 or so.这大约要花 100 欧元。

  • per表示“每,每一” per person/capita/head每人 我们在之前的文章中也出现过几次per的用法:[经济学人.Non-alcoholic drinks] Alcohol consumption, per person, has flattened or fallen across most large Western economies. 在大多数大型西方经济体,人均饮酒量已趋于平稳或下降。

  • charge[tʃɑ:dʒ] v. ~ (sb / sth) for sth | ~ (sb) sth (for sth)to ask an amount of money for goods or a service收费;要价  The restaurant charged £20 for dinner. 这家餐馆收了 20 英镑的餐费

  • track[træk] v.to follow the movements of sb / sth, especially by using special electronic equipment(尤指用特殊电子设备)跟踪,追踪 We continued tracking the plane on our radar. 我们继续用雷达追踪那架飞机。

  • note[nəʊt] v.If you note a fact, you become aware of it. 留意到;意识到   The White House has noted his promise to support any attack that was designed to enforce the UN resolutions.

  • dilated pupils扩大了的瞳孔dilate[daɪ'leɪt] v.to become or to make sth larger, wider or more open扩大;(使)膨胀,扩张 Her eyes dilated with fear. 她吓得瞪大了眼睛。 dilated pupils / nostrils 扩大了的瞳孔;张大了的鼻孔

  • mock-up storesmock-up stores 模拟商店 mock-up本指“实体模型;实尺寸模型”,这里用来修饰store表示“模拟商店”,与“真实商店”形成对照

What’s more, conventional market research can mislead. People typically “edit” verbal responses to make themselves sound rational, when purchases are often driven by subconscious emotions. The key is in tracking the unconscious things that shoppers do, says Jeff Hershey of VideoMining, a firm in Pennsylvania whose software also analyses store video. And surveys can also ask the wrong questions—such as how much people like a product when what really matters, notes Simon Harrop of BrandSense, a consultancy in Britain, is whether, say, it makes them feel attractive.

  • mislead [ˌmɪs'li:d] v. to give sb the wrong idea or impression and make them believe sth that is not true误导;引入歧途;使误信 =deceive He deliberately misled us about the nature of their relationship. 关于他们究竟是什么关系,他故意给我们留下错误印象。mislead-misled-misled

  • edit本义为“编辑;校订”,这里加上了双引号,引申为“修饰”。

  • verbal response 口头回答,口述的答案

  • typically通常,往往,注意在这个adv的使用,在英文表达中无论是在口语还是写作中,我们习惯于用always、often、usually等词汇表达通常情况下经常发生的事件,而很少使用像typically,generally等adv来表示这一概念。在写作中应该注意这类adv的使用能使文章情感更加充实丰富。例如“母亲总爱挂念远行的子女”我们可以说“Mothers typically worry about their children when they're away from home”

  • rational

  • 1.修饰某种思想、行为时,表示“合理的;理性的;明智的”比如  a rational argument / choice / decision 合理的论点 / 选择 / 决定

  • 2.修饰人时,表示“理智的;清醒的”,等同于reasonable,如 No rational person would ever behave like that. 有头脑的人都不会这样做。

  • purchase['pɜ:tʃəs] n. purchase

  • 作为名词,既可以表示“购买;采购”这个行为,如to make a purchase (= buy sth) 采购 保存好收据作为购货凭证。

  • 也可以表示具体的“购买的东西或购买项目”, major purchases, such as a new car 新汽车之类的巨额购买项目 If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will give you a full refund. 所购之物若不合意,我们将全额退款。

  • drive [draɪv] v.to force sb to act in a particular way迫使;驱使 The urge to survive drove them on. 求生的欲望驱使他们继续下去。 You're driving yourself too hard. 你把自己弄得太累了。【小词活用】需要注意的是我们在英文写作中常常会用make或者force来表达使动这种概念很少使用drive,而drive这个此实际上在翻译中经常使用如:“Big-data era is the dirver of economy”即大数据时代是经济发展的驱动力。

  • subconscious[ˌsʌb'kɒnʃəs] adj.connected with feelings that influence your behaviour even though you are not aware of them下意识的;潜意识的 subconscious desires 下意识的欲望 the subconscious mind 潜意识

  • unconscious[ʌn'kɒntʃəs] adj.existing or happening without you realizing or being aware; not deliberate or controlled无意识的;自然流露的 unconscious desires 自然流露的欲望 The brochure is full of unconscious humour. 这本小册子妙趣横生

The notion of “retail therapy”, consumers driven to spend when they are feeling blue, is an obvious example of shopping’s emotional side. Whichever store is first to work out how to spot mildly depressed customers could make a bundle.

  • notion~ (that…) | ~ (of sth) an idea, a belief or an understanding of sth 观念;信念;理解  

  • therapy['θerəpi] n.the treatment of a physical problem or an illness 治疗;疗法 alternative / complementary / natural therapies 替代 / 补充 / 自然疗法

  • feel bluesad and without hope感到沮丧、忧郁的; I've been feeling kind of blue .我心情有点不大好。blue在这里表示“忧郁的,沮丧的,悲观的”相当于depressed,只做表语,不放在名词前。

  • side表示某事物的一个方面,尤其是与其他方面相比时 比如 These poems reveal her gentle side. 这些诗显示出她温柔的一面。

  • mildly['maɪldli] adv. slightly轻微地,稍微 The drug is only mildly addictive. 这种药物只会使人轻度上瘾。I felt mildly depressed.我感到有些沮丧。

  • depressed  adj.very sad and without hope 抑郁的;沮丧的;意志消沉的   She felt very depressed about the future. 她感到前途无望。

  • bundle表示“一大笔钱”,比如College evening classes cost a bundle.大学的夜间课程很昂贵。make money指挣钱,make a bundle “赚一大笔钱,赚得盆满钵满”,比如A company can make a bundle by selling unwanted property. 公司出售多余资产可以赚一大笔钱。同样表达“大赚一笔”的词组还有:make a fortune off sb

  • coin money / coin it (in)(BrE)(informal) to earn a lot of money very quickly大发其财,暴富=rake in。 He is coin money In his new business.  他以新事业发大财.


有人说,所有这些都是一个机会,让实体零售店得以削弱网店长久以来因数据获得的优势。纽约Lightwave公司的首席执行官拉纳·钟(Rana June)表示,一场竞赛正在进行,目的是研究如何最好地收集和利用情绪数据,不管是用它们来改进包装、展示和背景音乐,还是改进推销话术的内容和使用时机。Lightwave为零售商、商场,以及百事可乐、宝洁公司和联合利华等消费品公司提供测评消费者情绪的服务。

也有人不为所动。有些人觉得有点毛骨悚然。里卡多·古铁雷斯(Ricardo Gutiérrez)供职于消费者研究巨头尼尔森(Nielsen),主管波哥大哥伦比亚分公司的购物者洞见部门。他透露,尼尔森认为就目前而言,利用技术来全面了解顾客的情绪过于“前卫”。

但这种方法比老式的访谈要便宜多了。尼尔森就三个产品采访25名购物者收费约一万美元。Angus.ai每台相机每月的服务费仅为59欧元(66美元)。位于哥本哈根的iMotions 公司向零售商提供一顶检测大脑活动的脑电图帽、一个眼球追踪头戴设备(能注意到瞳孔何时因看到感兴趣的物品而扩大),以及一个电流计,总费用约为1.5万美元。iMotions约有150个消费品客户在模拟商店和真实商店里使用这些设备,包括亿滋国际(Mondelez International)、雀巢和联合利华等。

此外,传统的市场调查可能会误导人。人们往往会编辑口述的答案,好让自己听起来很理智,而购买行为却往往是由潜意识的情绪所驱动的。VideoMining的杰夫·赫希(Jeff Hershey)表示,关键是要跟踪购物者的无意识行为。这家公司位于宾夕法尼亚,其软件也分析商店视频。英国咨询公司BrandSense的西蒙·哈洛普(Simon Harrop)指出,调查问卷还会提出错误的问题,比如有多少人喜欢一个产品,而真正重要的却是,这个产品能不能让他们觉得自己增添了吸引力。



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