
发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27




橙色表示生词。红色表示值得注意的地方如(僻意、搭配、地道好词,好句,以及中英表达差异)粉色表示词组和固定搭配。绿色:表示各种注释及解释(解释来源于牛津词典, 柯林斯等词典)蓝色表示背景知识类扩充和联想。紫色表示应记住的单词(注意正确拼写形式)



New retail techniques新的零售技巧

Body language肢体语言

Shoppers’ emotions may help physical retailers compete with online ones消费者的情绪可能有助于实体店与网店竞争

  • physical“实体的,物质的,有形的”(relating to real objects that you can touch, see, or feel),和网店 (online store) 相对应的“实体店”还可以用physical stores / shops / retailers等表达。“实体的”还可以等于bricks-and-mortar  (a bricks-and-mortar business is a traditional business that does not operate on the Internet) brick 本义指“砖头”(可数名词),mortar 指“灰浆”(不可数名词),由 bricks 和 mortar 筑成的就是建筑物。

  • compete (with / against sb) (for sth)to try to be more successful or better than sb else who is trying to do the same as you竞争;对抗 We can't compete with them on price.我们在价格上无法与他们竞争。

FOR eight months up to this April, a French bookstore chain had video in a Paris shop fed to software that scrutinises shoppers’ movements and facial expressions for surprise, dissatisfaction, confusion or hesitation. When a shopper walked to the end of an aisle only to return with a frown to a bookshelf, the software discreetly messaged clerks, who went to help. Sales rose by a tenth.


  • up to( also up until sth) not further or later than sth; until sth 直到;不多于;不迟于 Read up to page 100. 读到第100页。 Up to now he's been very quiet. 到目前为止,他一直很安静。

up to 的其他意思

  • as high or as good as sth 与…一样高(或好)

Her latest book isn't up to her usual standard.


  • ( also up to doing sth) physically or mentally capable of sth (体力或智力上)能胜任 【写作推荐、口语表达】

He's not up to the job.


  • (informal) doing sth, especially sth bad 正在干,从事着(尤指坏事);在捣鬼

What's she up to?


  • bookstore chain 连锁书店,chain 原意指链子,链条,可以引申为[可数名词] a group of shops/stores or hotels owned by the same company 连锁商店

a chain of supermarkets/a supermarket chain




a chain recation(也可写作chain-reacting )

=domino ,指一事件引起连锁反应)

=ripple effect 连锁反应;涟漪作用

  • feed v. to put information into a computer over a period of time将〔信息〕输入计算机Figures are fed into the computer, which then predicts the likely profit.数据输入计算机后,由计算机来预测可能会产生的利润。

  • scrutinise ['skru:tɪnaɪz] v. to look at or examine sb / sth carefully 仔细查看;认真检查;细致审查  She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces. 她探身向前,端详他们的面容。

  • facial expressions面部表情,这里的expression表示“表情;神色”,假若说“她脸上流露出担心的神色”就可以这么表达There was a worried expression on her face.

  • only toused to say that someone did something, with a disappointing or surprising result结果只是,竟然是,然而。 I arrived only to find that the others had already left.我到达时只发现别人都已经离开了。

  • with a frown 皱着眉头    He looked at her with a puzzled frown. 他皱着眉头不解地看着她。

  • frown也可以用作动词,frown on/upon sth原指“对…皱眉头”,引申为“不赞成;不同意;不许可”,可以用frown on/upon sth 来表达反对,相当于disapprove of sth,disagree with比如“很多父母反对他们的孩子独自旅行”可以说  Many parents frowned on their children traveling alone. 被动形式也很常见sth is frowned on/upon.表示“某事不被赞成”,比如“很多餐馆里都禁止吸烟”Smoking is frowned upon in many restaurants. “在中国,同性恋依旧不被认同”In China, homosexuality is still frowned upon. [写作推荐]

  • discreet [dɪ'skri:t] adj.careful in what you say or do, in order to keep sth secret or to avoid causing embarrassment or difficulty for sb(言行)谨慎的,慎重的,考虑周到的=tactful He was always very discreet about his love affairs.他对两性关系一贯谨小慎微

  • discreetly adv.She coughed discreetly to announce her presence. 她审慎地咳了一声以让人注意自己在场。

  • message ['mesɪdʒ] v.to send a text message to sb向某人传送(电子信息) Brian messaged me the news.布赖恩给我发来了信息。

The bookseller wants to keep its name quiet for now. Other French clients of the Paris startup behind the technology, Angus.ai, are testing it in research shops that are not open to the public. They include Aéroports de Paris, an airport owner; LVMH, a luxury conglomerate; and Carrefour, a chain of hypermarkets. In a test at a Mothercare shop in Tallinn, Estonia, software from Realeyes, an emotion-detection firm based in London, showed that shoppers who entered smiling spent a third more than others.

这家书店暂时还不想公开自己的名字。提供这项技术的是巴黎创业公司Angus.ai,该公司其他法国客户正在一些不对外开放的实验店铺内做技术测试。这些客户包括巴黎机场集团(Aéroports de Paris)、奢饰品集团LVMH和大型连锁超市家乐福。爱沙尼亚首都塔林的一家Mothercare婴童用品分店进行的一次测试中,伦敦情感检测公司Realeyes开发的软件表明,微笑着走进商店的顾客的消费额比其他顾客高三分之一。

  •  not open to the public .在许多学校里,董事会议是不对公众开放的。

  • conglomerate[kənˈglɒmərət] =group指“联合企业”(a large business   organization consisting of several different companies that have joined together) 腾讯是一家conglomerateThe combined company will become the world's 

  • keep quiet about sth | keep sth quiet to say nothing about sth; to keep sth secret 对…守口如瓶;不声张;保密 I've decided to resign but I'd rather you kept quiet about it. 我已决定辞职,但希望你不要声张出去。

  • for now | for the moment | for the time being for a short time, until a situation changes目前,眼下;暂时  Just leave your shoes on the back porch for now. 就暂时把你的鞋子留在后门廊吧。

  • [熟词僻义] behind [bɪ'haɪnd] adv. responsible for starting or developing sth 是…产生(或发展)的原因  What's behind that happy smile (= what is causing it)? 为什么会笑得那么开心?文中the Paris startup (which is) behind the technology 就是“产生、提供这项技术”的巴黎新兴公司

  • be (not) open to the public (不)对公众开放 In many schools, governors' meetings are

  • second-biggest in terms of video-gaming revenues, with close to $7 billion a year, placing it behind only Tencent, a Chinese gaming and social-media conglomerate.就电子游戏的净收入而言,合并后的公司将以每年接近70亿的收益排名第二,位列中国一家游戏和社交媒体的多元化公司——腾讯公司之后。

  • hypermarket由hyper-和market构成,指“特大型超级市场/商店”。

  • hyper-作为前缀有两个含义,一是表示“过度(的),过分(的),高度…”,hyperactive过度活跃的 hypercritical吹毛求疵的 hypersensitive 过度敏感的 二是表示“超过一般尺寸(限度)的”(beyond the usual size or limits),比如 a hyperlink 超链接和这里的 hypermarket 超级市场

  • base v. to have your main place of work, business etc in a particular place把基地设在…,以…为据点\基地They decided to base the new company in York. 他们决定将新成立的公司总部设在约克郡

  • -based与表示地点的名词连用时常表示表示“总部设在…的”a Taiwan-based firm一家总部设在台湾的公司

Simple video yields a lot of insight. But there are far more sophisticated and initmate ways of learning about emotions of shoppers. Thermal-imaging cameras can detect the heart rate. Wirelessly captured data from smartphone accelerometers can suggest when shoppers become fascinated (movement often stops) or are fretting over prices (a phone is repeatedly raised to search for cheaper products online).


  • yield [ji:ld] v.to produce or provide sth, for example a profit, result or crop出产(作物);产生(收益、效益等);提供    This research has been in progress since 1961 and has yielded a great number of positive results. 这项研究自1961年起一直在开展,已取得了不少积极成果。

  • yield有时候是名词[可数名词, 不可数名词] the total amount of crops, profits, etc. that are produced 产量;产出;利润 a high crop yield 作物丰收;有时作为动词,作动词除了有生产的意思,

  • yield还可以表示“屈服”“让步”如  “我经不住诱惑吃了一大块巧克力”我们可以说:I can't help having a chocolate bar.也可以用yield来表示I yielded to temptation and had a chocolate bar。

  • 还可做放弃;缴出“ 解, ~ sth/sb (up) (to sb) (formal) to allow sb to win, have or take control of sth that has been yours until now   如“宇宙宇宙慢慢地展现出它的秘密。”我们可以说 The universe is slowly yielding up its secrets.(figurative)此外yield to 还可以表示“被……取代”=be replace by .

  • far 做adv是“很大程度上;远远”(very much, or to a great degree),常用语修饰形容词比较级,比如  That's a far better idea. 那个主意好得多。

  • sophisticated [səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd] adj. a sophisticated machine, system, method etc is very well designed and very advanced, and often works in a complicated way (机器、系统、方法等)复杂的;精密的;尖端的

 In the West almost all firms have long had sophisticated inhouse information-technology systems, which many are hesitant to abandon. 长期以来,西方几乎所有的公司都在使用复杂的内部IT系统,而且很多公司都难以割舍这些系统。

  • intimate [ˈɪntɪmət] adj. having an extremely close friendship亲密的; 密切的:

  • thermal-imaging cameras 热成像相机 thermal指“热的;热量的”,比如 thermal energy热能。imaging指“电脑萤幕上的成像”,比如 computer/digital imaging 电脑/数码成像

  • detect [dɪ'tekt] v. to notice or discover something, especially something that is not easy to see, hear etc发现,察觉(尤指不易察觉到的事物)   Many forms of cancer can be cured if detected early. 如果发现得早,许多种癌症都可以治愈。 detection n.

  • accelerometer n. an instrument for measuring acceleration加速度计

[词源] ac-来自拉丁介词ad,表示“朝、向、去,或弱化为强调”,celer-=quick,speed,表示“快,速度”,-meter=measure,表示“计量,测量”等。-meter表示常和名词构成复合词,表示“…计;仪;表”,如speedometer 速度计 altimeter 高度表 calorimeter 热量计

  • [熟词僻义] capture['kæptʃər] v.to put something in a form that a computer can use把…变换成可用于计算机的形式;记录 The data is captured by an optical scanner.该数据是通过光学扫描器记录下来的。

  • fascinated ['fæsɪneɪtɪd] adj. very interested入迷的;极感兴趣的  I've always been fascinated by his ideas. 我总是对他的想法极感兴趣。

  • fret over/about sth to be worried or unhappy and not able to relax 苦恼;烦躁;焦虑不安  She's always fretting about the children. 她老是为孩子发愁。 我们下次写作时可以用fret about sth 替换be worried about / worry about sth 。如果要跟句子,可以说fret that… 比如  Nine in ten Europeans worry about its impact on ecosystems; three in four fret that it can harm their own health. 九成欧洲人担心塑料对生态系统的影响,四分之三的人担忧塑料会危害自己的健康

  • raise v. to move or lift something to a higher position, place, or level举起; 提起; 抬起; 使升高  Can you raise the torch so I can see? 你能把手电筒举高点好让我看见吗?

  • search for sth/sb If you search for something or someone, you look carefully for them. 搜寻;搜索;搜查;寻求

For even more insights, shoppers are sometimes asked to don special kit, typically in exchange for a discount or other reward. Wearable “galvanometer” gadgets, for example, measure moisture and electrical resistance on hand skin to reveal arousal.为了发现更多讯息,购物者有时会被要求穿戴特殊的设备,作为交换,他们通常会获得折扣或其他奖励。例如,可穿戴式“电流计”能测量手部皮肤的湿度和电阻,从而揭示兴奋感。

  • insight[不可数名词](approving) the ability to see and understand the truth about people or situations 洞察力;领悟   a writer of great insight


  • don [dɒn] v. to put on a hat, coat etc “穿上,披上,戴上”    He donned his finest coat and hat. 他穿上了他最帅的外套,戴上了他最好的帽子。这是一个比较文学和偏正式的说法。

  • kit [kɪt] n. a set of clothes and equipment that you use for a particular activity全套衣服及装备   sports kit 运动用品    gym kit 健身用品

  • [写作推荐] in exchange for sth If you do or give something in exchange for something else, you do it or give it in order to get that thing.作为交换 It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favors. 公务员通过索要礼物或钱财作为为他人提供便利的交换是违法的。

  • discount [ˈdɪskaʊnt] n. an amount of money that is taken off the usual cost of sth折扣 =reduction   They're offering a 10% discount on all sofas this month. 本月他们给沙发售价统统打九折。  They were selling everything at a discount. 他们销售的所有商品都打折。

  • galvanometer n. 检流计

  • gadget [ˈgædʒɪt] n. [C] a small tool or device that does sth useful 小器具;小玩意儿   There is little evidence that these gadgets will be any more trustworthy than their desktop counterparts. 没有证据表明这些装置会比桌面电脑更安全可靠。

  • gadgetry [ˈgædʒɪtri] n. [U] a collection of modern tools and devices(统称)小器具;小装置  His desk is covered with electronic gadgetry. 他的书桌上摆满了各种电子装置。

  • electrical resistance 电阻

  • arousal n.[U] arousal is a state in which you feel excited or very alert, for example as a result of fear, stress, or anger. 唤起;激起  Thinking angry thoughts can provoke strong physiological arousal. 想着生气的事情能激起强烈的生理反应。

To be continued……





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